Friday, November 14, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Paging Mike Volin!
For the record, I just tried talking to Mike Volin again. He hung up on me and when I called back refused to answer his phone. This investigation is a joke!
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Obama's Birth Certificate Forger Talks About Loretta Fuddy And What Could Be The Motive For Her Death!
On December 09th and 10th, 2013 This Thread, "I Forged Obama's Birth Certificates For The Medellin Cartel. Ask Me Anything" By Nancy Ruth Owens Appears In GodLike Productions
One Day Later. December 11th, 2013 Loretta Fuddy , Who, Says Wikipedia, "....was an American health official and social worker from the U.S. state of Hawaii. Fuddy served simultaneously as the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health and the Mayor of Kalawao County from 2011 until her death.[1] Under Hawaii state law, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health, who is appointed by the governor, simultaneously serves as the Mayor of Kalawao County while in office.[2][3][4] (The Hawaii Department of Health administers Kalawao County)" is dead just after surviving a plane crash off of the coast of Hawaii.
I, Nancy Ruth Owens,am
"Obama's Forger"
Post #1 By Obama's Forger:
Post #2 By Obama's Forger A YouTube video entitled: "Obama Name Not Legit:
Obama Name Not Legit
POST #3 By Anonymous:
"You're pretty persistent. Show us the proof. Upload an original copy of the working file you created while compiling the layers in his online birth certificate. Show us the resources you referred to gather the many different parts used in the layers found within the original pdf. Show us records with dates and times, start giving us a timeline of events that led to you working with the Obama administration and collaborating to create this fraudulent BC.
I've read through your website. I've seen your claim. You say you forged his birth certificate in 1985, right?
Care to explain how that fits in with the fact that the certificate the Traitor posted on the .gov site is an obvious forgery that was created on CURRENT Adobe software, and not the outdated systems used some 25 yrs ago?
Unless you can start proving your claim and VALIDATING it, methinks you are just an attention whore.
If you aren't, then you better damn well be getting this info to the proper authorities and STOP PLAYING around on GLP!
POST # 4 By Obama's Forger: "Stop trying to con people with this PDF file as it it's the only that exists or should exist. Why don't you show us the original PAPER document so that it can be examined by a handwriting expert?
At that point, i will be more than happy to provide you with handwriting examples. We both know that without that PAPER document, nothing can happen. Once people wake up and can make the distinction between PDF file and PAPER, you will have to produce.
If you are with the Obama camp, you came knocking on my door for attention. So, here we are.
POST #5 By Anonymous:
I want to know why you say JFK died about 15 years before it was reported he died in a 1999 plane crash. It makes no sense.
POST #6 By Obama's Forger:
Politicians lie. There is no birth certificate. I repeat, politicians lie. Hoffa late 1980, Kennedy a few short weeks later. Politicians lie. They've been caught. Politicians lie.
POST #7 (Repeat in beige of POST #3: Post #3 By Anonymous: "You're pretty persistent. Show us the proof. Upload an original copy of the working file you created while compiling the layers in his online birth certificate. Show us the resources you referred to gather the many different parts used in the layers found within the original pdf. Show us records with dates and times, start giving us a timeline of events that led to you working with the Obama administration and collaborating to create this fraudulent BC.
I've read through your website. I've seen your claim. You say you forged his birth certificate in 1985, right? Care to explain how that fits in with the fact that the certificate the Traitor posted on the .gov site is an obvious forgery that was created on CURRENT Adobe software, and not the outdated systems used some 25 yrs ago?
Unless you can start proving your claim and VALIDATING it, methinks you are just an attention whore.
If you aren't, then you better damn well be getting this info to the proper authorities and STOP PLAYING around on GLP!
My Response To Repeat Yeah, I'll get on that 'getting it to the proper authorities.' Wish me luck!
POST #8 by Anonymous:
Sure, politicians lie. So do civilians. Everybody lies from time to time. Kids, mailmen, dogs, everybody. So for you to assert that JFK, jr died in 1980, at roughly 20 years old, when we have another 20 years of footage of him as a public figure---you must expect people to question your story. I am paying you the courtesy of questioning it. Most people see inconsistencies such as this and just blow you off immediately.
I'm at least respectfully asking you to explain the inconsistencies. And just saying, "Politicians lie" really explains nothing. Yes, poltiicians lie and bears shit in the wood. Big deal. But, explain to me the wife of John John was in your story, the blonde who didn't drink much of the sleepy head potion, we he didn't even meet and marry her until 20 years later, and who was running George magazine in the 90's? If JFK, jr died in 1980, then who was that absolutely perfect carbon copy stand in that was running around in a very public way until 1999? And why kill a stand in twenty years later?
And there are a million other questions about you and the subjects you bring up that would occur to even the most casual observer. For example, if all the stories you tell of your life are true, why are you still alive? Why aren't you in hiding? Why are you confessing to hundreds of murders? Aren't you worried about being prosecuted? If not, why not? These are harder than the JFK question imho.
You weave interesting tales. But, if you want to be taken seriously, you must supply more than just the story. You must explain why everything that makes your story look like a lie is actually THE REAL LIE. Like with JFK, jr you gotta explain 20 years of "post death" footage. You gotta explain why that is a lie and your story is the true one. Why should we not trust our senses, and trust you instead?
You've got quite a battle to fight to get people to take you seriously. Because your story, if true, is stranger than any novel ever written. So, quit with your head slapping emoticons and get to explaining. More people are waiting and listening than you think.
POST #9 By Obama's Forger: You've never heard of body doubles? Did you know him personally? Hoffa 1980, Jon-Jon a few short weeks later.
POST #10 By Obama's Forger on December 10, 2013:
I have over 130 videos on my website to examine. Why don't YOU show US the PAPER BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
We have a president with no PAPER BIRTH CERTIFICATE and somehow
Not, YOU need to prove to US via a PAPER BIRTH CERTIFICATE that he is legit. I think you have your priorities backwards, don't you?
YOU PROVE TO US VIA A PAPER.....PAPER...birth certificate.
Furthermore, there is no way to get this out in a few short sentences. It was bloody and gruesome. It was an undeclared war in south Florida and I won't be getting any help from the so-called authorities. Say the word, "Cartel," to a cop and watch them pull the gun out ON YOU.
Do they gather information? No. Do they investigate? No. We have become, without military guidance, a nation of cowards and prisoners. What most people want is to bury their head in the sand and wash it all away. Then can't. It's so "in your face" nobody can argue that something is very seriously wrong here.
The next day Fuddy is dead.
Note To Reader: Reportedly, Obama has NEVER submitted a paper birth certificate. Why? And, why did Nancy D'Alessandro Pelosi allow this to pass? Ask yourself, "What was her motive?"
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Mike "Zullo," The Owens Forger, & The Fraudulent Obama Birth Certificate Investigation
By Nancy Ruth Owens, A Former Hendry County Dispatcher
Major cases not solved during Mike "Zullo" Moore's years as a Hendry County Investigator
Jimmy Hoffa
Adam Walsh
John F Kennedy, Jr.
Reagan's Assassination Attempt
Sheriff Sermon Dyess, Sr.
Four Hendry County Deputies
FBI Agents
FBI Informants
Hell's Angels MC Members
George Jung's Daughter, Christina
Amtrac Bombings
Murder Of "Obama's" Black Mother
East Coast Girl scout
Henry Lucas
Senator Graham Sodomy Rape Of A 14-Year Old Boy
Pablo Escobar Murder Of 1990
Bill Clinton's False Claim to Escobar Murder
Mac Booth Bombing (Practice For Hoffa Murder)
Possible Griselda Blanco 1985 Murder
Possible Atlanta, Georgia Olympic Bombing
Numerous False Arrests And Incarceration of the 70's, 80's, 90's
Sherry Farner
Mr. And Mrs. Allison
All Killings Done By The "Kaleidoscope Killer"
All Killings Done By "Pablo's 'White Rabbit'"
All Killings Done By "Bloody Mary"
All Killings Done By "Mary Poppins"
All Killings Done By "Rachel"
All Killings Done By "Dizzy"
All Killings Done By "Molly Ayala"
All Killings Done By "Nancy Dyess"
All Killings Done By "The Gainesville Ripper"
Possibly Killings Done By The Relocated "Zodiac Killer"
All Killings Done By The Drug Lord Pablo Escobar
Possible "Challenger" Explosion
Possible Princess Di And Ron Brown
Before "Zullo" Can Even Begin To Solve The Forged Birth Certificate, He Must Unravel Over Forty-Two Years Of Botched Investigations Out Of Hendry County, Florida.
How Does Zullo And His Co-Conspirators Try To Sidestep Re-Investigation? With A Simple Fix Which Is To Deny That A Paper Birth Certificate Ever Existed And By Failing To Make Contact With The Real Forger Which Is Myself.
See YouTube Video Titled: PDF vs Paper
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Obama’s mother “Stanley” Anne born in 1985, twenty-four years AFTER the birth of Obama! How can this be?!
By Nancy Ruth Owens, The Obama Birth Certificate Forger
Of course "Stanley" wasn't born twenty-five years of so after Obama. HOWEVER, the "Stanley" name most certainly was. My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I am Obama's half-sister. I studied Journalism from 1983 to 1985 at what was then known as Palm Beach Community College in Lake Worth, Florida and was later accepted to the University of Florida for the studies of Advertising.
During this time at PBCC I took a Business course from a Professor David Nixon (no kin to Richard Nixon that I am aware of) who divulged the lax birth certificate and ID requirements of Hawaii. Soon afterwards, I shared this information with Medellin Cartel member Griselda Blanco who had actually sent my brother, whom I call Allen, to assassinate me to avoid complications in the now very well established south Florida cocaine trade.
The fact that I was studying Journalism was, as far as the cartel was concerned, an outright act of treason and they made few mistakes. Allen walked through the front door of what I refer to as Pablo Escobar's Montura Ranch Home located on the south side of Lake Okeechobee and the site of many, many murders. Griselda ordered that I be killed. Allen looked at me and said, "I can't." She looked at him and asked, "Why not?" I looked at him and then at her and, with something of a smirk said, "Because, he's my brother." We had run across each other before in earlier years when the crack cocaine was invented at this same location. But, did not divulge our kinship.
Long story short, my brother and I had a short family reunion in which my mother, a long-time friend of Cuba's Delgado clan, was called out to confirm the info. Allen and I both pointed out the similarities of our facial features and, for the first time, really studied each other as individuals. Allen expressed a desire to go to college but lamented the fact that he was a foreigner. I told him not to worry because Reagan had allotted a trust fund to enable foreigners a two-year college education. Allen stated that this was not enough for what he wanted to do. He later disclosed that he wanted to be the President of the USA.
It was decided that we needed to forge a new identity for Allen as an American citizen. I forged the short form making the "Stanley" error. Since I had made this error, it was decided that we would have someone else do the long form. This was, to the best of my recollection, Maya Delgado. In return, she was to also receive a forged identity out of Hawaii.
My mother, Gladys M. Owens, filled out the paperwork for the Pell Grant at our eastside home which is when the mailman came along delivering our mail and witnessing the events of this application.
I had become a PhotoJournalist for the college newspaper the "Beachcomber" and I took the black and white photos of Allen at this time, all for a fee of $100. This event was under duress and I claim copyright for these black and white photos. My brother and I did have sexual contact at this time which earned us the nicknames of 'White Rabbit' and 'Brown Rabbit' by Pablo.
At some point Griselda and I traveled to Hawaii to study the birther rolls. During the time in the library or building that I was in, it occurred to me that I needed to steal the role containing the name of the child that I had settled on. I also knew that this would not work so I suggested that a better alternative was to eliminate the Hawaiian child and his family if need be. And, it needed to be so it was done.
A judge or a lawyer (Scalia looks very familiar to me) came to our hometown shortly thereafter and Allen went off to Chicago. Within a short period of time Griselda (assassinated over a year ago) received a phone call at the Montura home and stated that Allen was on the streets. I told him we would do what we needed to to get him back home. But, secretly, I was hoping that he stayed gone. He called back later and said that he had made his connection.
It is highly likely that "Obama" received homeschooling from this judge. It is also possible that the man who claims to be the young man in these photos is actually an imposter. I would not put it past the still very active Medellin Cartel, with its White House associates, to continue with their Manchurian Candidate, Allen Owens or no Allen Owens. It should be pointed out that, until 2008 when Allen's photos shot across the internet, that I had not seen him since 1985.
Allen did return to Montura seeking financial help from Pablo and it was at this time that his black mother and stepfather were murdered. Allen was hung from a tree as well and the last thing I remember is Pablo looking at me in a condescending way saying, "He's your brother," at which point I climbed the tree, called to Ernesto "Popeye" Delgado for a knife and cut the rope around his neck. I do not remember anything beyond this point at this time other than cradling him after he hit the ground. It is quite possible this is when he received the wound on his head.
Of course "Stanley" wasn't born twenty-five years of so after Obama. HOWEVER, the "Stanley" name most certainly was. My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I am Obama's half-sister. I studied Journalism from 1983 to 1985 at what was then known as Palm Beach Community College in Lake Worth, Florida and was later accepted to the University of Florida for the studies of Advertising.
During this time at PBCC I took a Business course from a Professor David Nixon (no kin to Richard Nixon that I am aware of) who divulged the lax birth certificate and ID requirements of Hawaii. Soon afterwards, I shared this information with Medellin Cartel member Griselda Blanco who had actually sent my brother, whom I call Allen, to assassinate me to avoid complications in the now very well established south Florida cocaine trade.
The fact that I was studying Journalism was, as far as the cartel was concerned, an outright act of treason and they made few mistakes. Allen walked through the front door of what I refer to as Pablo Escobar's Montura Ranch Home located on the south side of Lake Okeechobee and the site of many, many murders. Griselda ordered that I be killed. Allen looked at me and said, "I can't." She looked at him and asked, "Why not?" I looked at him and then at her and, with something of a smirk said, "Because, he's my brother." We had run across each other before in earlier years when the crack cocaine was invented at this same location. But, did not divulge our kinship.
Long story short, my brother and I had a short family reunion in which my mother, a long-time friend of Cuba's Delgado clan, was called out to confirm the info. Allen and I both pointed out the similarities of our facial features and, for the first time, really studied each other as individuals. Allen expressed a desire to go to college but lamented the fact that he was a foreigner. I told him not to worry because Reagan had allotted a trust fund to enable foreigners a two-year college education. Allen stated that this was not enough for what he wanted to do. He later disclosed that he wanted to be the President of the USA.
It was decided that we needed to forge a new identity for Allen as an American citizen. I forged the short form making the "Stanley" error. Since I had made this error, it was decided that we would have someone else do the long form. This was, to the best of my recollection, Maya Delgado. In return, she was to also receive a forged identity out of Hawaii.
My mother, Gladys M. Owens, filled out the paperwork for the Pell Grant at our eastside home which is when the mailman came along delivering our mail and witnessing the events of this application.
I had become a PhotoJournalist for the college newspaper the "Beachcomber" and I took the black and white photos of Allen at this time, all for a fee of $100. This event was under duress and I claim copyright for these black and white photos. My brother and I did have sexual contact at this time which earned us the nicknames of 'White Rabbit' and 'Brown Rabbit' by Pablo.
At some point Griselda and I traveled to Hawaii to study the birther rolls. During the time in the library or building that I was in, it occurred to me that I needed to steal the role containing the name of the child that I had settled on. I also knew that this would not work so I suggested that a better alternative was to eliminate the Hawaiian child and his family if need be. And, it needed to be so it was done.
A judge or a lawyer (Scalia looks very familiar to me) came to our hometown shortly thereafter and Allen went off to Chicago. Within a short period of time Griselda (assassinated over a year ago) received a phone call at the Montura home and stated that Allen was on the streets. I told him we would do what we needed to to get him back home. But, secretly, I was hoping that he stayed gone. He called back later and said that he had made his connection.
It is highly likely that "Obama" received homeschooling from this judge. It is also possible that the man who claims to be the young man in these photos is actually an imposter. I would not put it past the still very active Medellin Cartel, with its White House associates, to continue with their Manchurian Candidate, Allen Owens or no Allen Owens. It should be pointed out that, until 2008 when Allen's photos shot across the internet, that I had not seen him since 1985.
Allen did return to Montura seeking financial help from Pablo and it was at this time that his black mother and stepfather were murdered. Allen was hung from a tree as well and the last thing I remember is Pablo looking at me in a condescending way saying, "He's your brother," at which point I climbed the tree, called to Ernesto "Popeye" Delgado for a knife and cut the rope around his neck. I do not remember anything beyond this point at this time other than cradling him after he hit the ground. It is quite possible this is when he received the wound on his head.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Nancy Ruth Owens Talks About The Mailman Who Witnessed Obama's Forged Selective Service Registration In Clewiston, Florida
Monday, July 21, 2014
Obama's Forged Identity Thread And Other Forgery Links
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Jimmy Hoffa's 1980 Daytona Beach, Florida Murder Exposed Here!
By Nancy Ruth Owens
The following paragraphs from Wikipedia describe Jimmy Hoffa as:
By Nancy Ruth Owens
The following paragraphs from Wikipedia describe Jimmy Hoffa as:
James Riddle "Jimmy" Hoffa (born February 14, 1913 – disappeared July 30, 1975) was an American labor union leader who vanished in late July, 1975, aged 62. He is widely believed to have been murdered.
Hoffa was a union activist from a young age, and was an important regional figure with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters(IBT) union by his mid-twenties. By 1952, Hoffa had risen to national vice-president of the IBT, and served as the union's General President between 1958 and 1971. He secured the first national agreement for teamsters' rates in 1964, and played a major role in the growth and development of the union which eventually became the largest union (by membership) in the United States with over 1.5 million members at its peak, during his terms as its leader. He was a civil rights supporter and expressed this in many statements.
Hoffa became involved with organized crime from the early years of his Teamsters work, and this connection continued until his disappearance in 1975. He was convicted of jury tampering, attempted bribery, and fraud in 1964. He was imprisoned in 1967 and sentenced to 13 years, after exhausting the appeal process. In mid-1971 he resigned as president of the union, an action that was part of a pardon agreement with President Richard Nixon, to facilitate his release later that year. Nixon blocked Hoffa from union activities until 1980 (which would have been the end of his prison term, had he served the full sentence). Hoffa attempted to overturn this order and to regain support.
Hoffa was last seen in late July 1975,....
Most of it is probably true with one vital exception. Hoffa was killed in 1980!
My call to FBI agent
Note that this FBI agent breaks off the confession right at the point of exposing a CIA agent who was also involved.
Jimmy Hoffa, identified by one of my two handlers (Sermon Dyess, Jr), was killed in in Daytona Beach, Florida in 1980 via a pipe bomb, built by Pres. Obama's biological father Thomas Beauchamp Owens. This was three and a half weeks before the murder of "John-John" Kennedy, Jr by this same Medellin Cartel assassin via the date-rape drug just prior to a pre-scheduled flight lesson. Mr. Kennedy began feeling faint and turned the plane around but passed out before landing.
It has been pointed out that Hoffa's murder was claimed by a Chicago Mafia leader. This serial killer would like to point out that this claim came in 2005, a short time after the release of Billy's Corben's "Cocaine Cowboys 1" in which Corben interviews a fellow assassin, Jorge Rivi Ayala released in 2004.
Jimmy Hoffa was scheduled to appear at a United States Sugar Corporation Union forming meeting in Clewiston, Florida within the month according to my second handler, Anthony Toulis, owner of the Glades Restaurant also located in Clewiston. It is not known to me who actually ordered the hit.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Nancy Ruth Owens, The Obama Birth Certificate Forger, Dispels The Myth Of Maya, The Hawaiian Sister
My name is Nancy Ruth Owens and I am going to slowly share with you information about Obama's forged Birth certificates and selective service registration, who he is, where he comes from, why he's here, and who put him in power. I am going to start by dispelling the biological connection of my half-brother Obama, aka Allen Owens, and a former babysitter of mine, Maya Soetoro.
Maya Soetoro's real name is Maya Delgado and she was a member of Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel which, contrary to popular belief, was actually based on a small ranch in South Florida.
We'll simply compare her facial features to mine and let you draw your own conclusions.
The photo in the center is one reportedly claimed by Obama himself when sharing photos of a younger sister whom he claims lived with he and his parents in Hawaii, USA. A total fabrication by design to possibly instill him one day as a Hispanic New World Order Manchurian Candidate to further the goals set forth by Pablo Escobar in the 1970's and 80's.
These are photos of Maya Delgado and none of her submitted photos show her in her childhood years which, for a family claiming to be very affluent, doesn't exactly make sense, does it? People from rich families tend to have hundreds of photos of their children as they progress throughout the years.
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Maya Soetoro, aka May Delgado |
And, the dullish hair texture.
As well as the darker hair color
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This photo was taken in South Florida. |
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Note the bangs and hair sheen which never changes. |
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Nancy Ruth Owens |
Now compare the top photo of the little girl with photos of me as a child and as an adult. Note the hair color, texture, and hair style consistent throughout the photos. There is no Hawaiian theme because we were not raised in Hawaii. We both spent our teens years a few miles north of the Everglades Swamp in South Florida.
Now, if this makes you pause for a moment, then click here for further updates as this blog progresses.
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This is a collage for you to share with family and friends for educational purposes. Castro's covert war is now overt. |
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
El Nacimiento De Personas, Summer 1985
Sometimes you are just a bit of a surprise. Having arrived on the island of 'Leader In The Mirrors,' I was basking topless in the sunshine waiting for my friend, nicknamed "Blow" because of his addition to the Colombian powder, when I got a call from the front desk clerk, a well built Cuban male wearing an ID tag labeled 'Don' of 'La Isla Resort Hotel' who had informed me that there were no rooms available given the short notice and lack of reservations. I do recall taking a brief moment to use the ladies room since our departure seemed imminant and to admire the beautiful decor which was a stark change from my prior experience which looked like nothing short of a backwood swamp kitchen. By this time, my friend and Don had become engaged in an argument which, if I recall correctly, escalated into the physical realm of violence.
Don looked like he had seen many a battlefield and, upon reflection, get the feeling that Don might have been prone to wartime flashbacks. I stepped in to help my friend barking at the host to, "Leave him alone," and subsequently received the same treatment finding myself face down on the floor. Blow stated that we needed to leave ASAP which we did through the backwoods. I had asked why the back area since it was not the same route we had come in on and was told to basically just shut up and follow. Blow had a look of deep concern and fear on his face so I did not question him any further. We boarded a private airplane and returned to the United States.
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